4 Glute Building Exercises with EC Athlete Jess


Elevated Reverse Lunges

  1. Stand on step (or stack a couple plates together) and step back with your right leg. This is your start position.
  2. Lower until your left knee is bent at least 90 degrees
  3. Push through the left leg to return to start This is one rep.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps for each leg.

Advanced: Hold a dumbbell or kettle-bell to make give this exercise an added challenge.

Elevated Sumo Squats

  1. Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart.
  2. Angle your toes out and away from the center of your body.
  3. Bend the knees and the hips to lower into your squat, squeezing your glutes at the bottom of the move.
  4. Once lowered, press up to standing, driving up through your heels.
  5. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

TIP: Be mindful to keep your spine neutral (straight) and long. Avoid allowing your knees to go past your toes or allowing your upper torso to lean forward.

Advanced: Stand on top of of plates or steps for an even greater ROM (range of motion). Hold a dumbbell or kettle-bell to make give this exercise an added challenge.

B-Stance Single-Leg RDL’s

  1. Stand on your right foot and move your left foot away to the side
  2. Place the left foot in line with your right heel, just put the ball of your foot down
  3. Turn your foot slightly out to the side and shift most of your weight over your foot that is totally on the ground (you should have 90% of your weight on the right leg and 10% on the left)
  4. Push your right hip back towards the wall behind you while keeping your back straight (this is an RDL)
  5. Stop when you can no longer sit your hips back and feel a stretch in your hamstrings
  6. Reverse the movement by pulling the floor back towards you and squeezing your hamstrings and butt.
  7. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps, switch legs and repeat.

TIP: Prop the toes of your front leg up on a plate for an added stretch and even greater ROM (range of motion).

Advanced: Hold a dumbbell over your dominant leg to give this exercise an added challenge.

Banded Kickbacks

  1. Place a resistance band around your legs at the ankles.
  2. Place your hands on your hips. Balance on your left leg, and move your right foot so your toes are resting on the ground slightly behind and diagonal to your left foot. There should be tension in the band.
  3. Tighten your core, and kick your right leg back.
  4. Return your right foot to starting position, keeping tension in the band. Then begin the next rep.
  5. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps, switch legs and repeat.