TRX workouts incorporate one’s own body weight in order to build strength and muscle. TRX straps are highly portable, making it easy to do this workout virtually anywhere with an available mounted bar or door frame. And because TRX workouts heavily rely on an individual’s body weight, they can be easily manipulated to accommodate a variety of fitness levels.
Here are 8 TRX exercises to get you started in the world of TRX routines. Give it a go, and let us know how you did!
TRX Power Pull
Targets: Back, arms and core
How to: Start facing the pivot point holding onto a single TRX handle with your right hand. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Keep your left arm extended as you rotate your torso to your left side eventually forming a “T” shape with your arms. Powerfully drive your right elbow back in a rowing motion as you rotate your torso to face the TRX. End the motion reaching forward with your left hand before moving fluidly into the next repetition.
TRX Sprinters Start
Targets: Legs
How to: Grab a strap in each hand and face away from the pivot point. Move forward until the straps are taut and hold them against your sides just above your elbow. Bring your right foot forward in a lunge stance with your heel flat on the ground. Your left foot should be balanced on your forefoot. Bend slightly forward at the torso being sure to keep your back flat. In one motion, push off from your right foot and explode forward (leaving the ground if possible) while driving your left knee up. Allow the TRX to pull you back into position before repeating on the same leg.
TRX Chest Press to Standing Roll Out
Targets: Chest and core
How to: Start with a handle in each hand facing away from the pivot point. Move your feet back so that you’re in push-up position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders. Keep your midsection pulled in tight as you slowly lower yourself into a push-up. Press yourself back to the starting position. Then, keeping your arms as straight as possible, reach straight overhead to elongate your body and force more of the work on your core. Pull your hands back to push-up position and repeat.
TRX Single-Leg Squat
Targets: Legs
How to: Place your right foot on the ground and hold onto the TRX handles with both hands. Start with your elbows bent by your sides and your left leg raised straight out in front of you. Push your hips back and descend into a squat with your right leg. As you descend, extend your arms and use the TRX straps for as much support as needed. At the bottom of the motion, press through your right heel to return to the starting point pulling on the TRX as necessary.
TRX “T” Deltoid Fly
Targets: Back and core
How to: Start with a staggered stance facing the pivot point with your right foot a few inches in front of your left facing the pivot point. Your right foot should be flat on the floor, and your left foot should be balanced on the ball of the foot. Grab the straps in each hand. Start with both hands together straight in front of you and your weight centered on your left foot. Keeping your arms as straight as possible, pull against the TRX and fly your arms out into a “T” position (straight out to your sides). As you get towards the end of the movement, your weight should transfer onto your right foot. Slowly lower yourself before repeating.
TRX Suspended Lunge
Targets: Legs and core
How to: Start by placing your right foot in a TRX strap and facing away from the pivot point. Plant your left foot firmly on the ground. Keeping your chest up tall, slowly push your right foot back towards the pivot point and bend your left knee to descend into a lunge. Push back up with your left foot to return to the starting position.
TRX Bicep Curl
Targets: Arms
How to: Stand with both feet together facing the pivot point. Grab a TRX strap in each hand and rotate your hands so that your palms are facing upwards. Keeping your elbows up high, drive your hands to your forehead effectively performing a bicep curl. Slowly lower to the starting position.
TRX Hamstring Curl
Targets: Legs and core
How to: Place a mat underneath the TRX straps and lie on it facing up with your feet aligned with the pivot point. Place each heel inside a TRX strap and lie with your legs straight. Press down with your feet into the straps and lift your hips off the ground so that there is a straight line from your head to your heels. This is the starting position. Press down with your heels and curl the straps in towards your body as you lift your hips. At the top of the motion, your knees should form a 90-degree angle, and there should be a straight line from your knees to your head. Slowly lower to the starting position and repeat.