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Subjects administered the OptiNOs, as a collective, had an average 12x greater increase in arm circumference compared against the average of the placebo! This means measuring the increase in arm circumference of all individuals, then finding the average increase for both groups, the average increase (growth) of the OptiNOs group was 12x more than the average of the increase of the placebo group.

The OptiNOs group saw a 58lb increase in bench press compared to the placebo group. So, not only did they see an increase in their muscle size, but also their overall strength increased significantly in just 6 weeks!

In the clinical trial participants taking OptiNOs Nitric Oxide Booster saw a 3x more lean muscle compared to the placebo group.

In the clinical trial participants taking OptiNOs Nitric Oxide Booster saw a 6x increase in endurance. This allowing you to power through your workout and get more reps in.

In the clinical trial participants taking OptiNOs Nitric Oxide Booster saw a 140% improved lactate clearance (improved recovery time). Which allows your muscles to recover quicker after your workout, and reduce the feeling for soreness.

In the clinical study subjects taking OptiNOs saw a 78lb increase in leg press compared to the placebo group. This demonstrating that the OptiNOs group increased their strength significantly compared to the placebo group.
Are there any adverse side effects from using OptiNOs®